A magical night of music and drama
A candlelit trail winds through the woods, transporting you back in time. Along your journey, meet other travelers, shepherds, kings, and angels. Immerse yourself in the greatest story ever told…
Friday, December 13, and Saturday, December 14, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
More than “just another live nativity,” you’ll experience musical performances, dramatic re-enactments and fellowship with others while leisurely strolling a candlelit wooded path.
Music and Refreshments
After your journey, warm up in Wise Lodge with festive music and hearty refreshments. A donation of $10 per person to the Annual Fund for Camp Hanover is appreciated.
Stay Overnight
You’re invited to stay overnight and experience the hospitality of this place apart. Enjoy a holiday brunch the following morning. We have space available in Newell Cabin and in our Wise Cabins. Learn about our lodging spaces.