Because of Camp
Camp Hanover is a life-changing place. Whether it’s because of new experiences, different people, or all of the above, those who attend as campers or serve as staff are forever transformed by their time here.
How did Camp Hanover shape you? For the 2022 #GreatCampGive, we’re inviting you to share your story. Share a post and tell us in a few words what you’ve be able to do because of Camp.
- Print the sign that fits you from the options below or create your own.
- Take a picture holding your sign.
- Share it on your social media on September 30.
- In your post, use the tags #CampHanover #BecauseOfCamp #GreatCampGive
You also can send your selfie, other photos illustrating your camp story, or a video to us. Learn more.
Select an image below to open a letter-sized printable PDF file.